Choking tornadoes with millions of malnourished dieters

Consent is sexy❀

Published on: 08 Nov 08:16

Shanna asks


First batch is here. No more β€˜lectricity…

Bad weather coming tonight. Possible tornadoes. What do to prepare?!

Not Ooc. I do know how to prepare for weather I just wanna giggle some and not worry lol!!

* Already have sitting out with a drink to watch it on my list.

My answer

I've always wanted to choke a tornado. I read somewhere that if you use a huge satellite infra-red laser to heat bits of the atmosphere, the tornado will actually move towards the warmer air and you can actually steer them, how cool is that? The question is, what should we choke the tornado with? How about a Jenny Craig world convention? Two in one: you'll annihilate millions of incredibly annoying people, plus also their lighter weight means even quite a weak tornado will loft them airborne. How many millions of malnourished people would we need to smash to bits a tornado's airflow vortices? Only one way to find out.
