Writing insane crap is seriously underrated.

Consent is sexy❀

Why Jabba the Hutt is a snazzier lover than you might think
8 Mar 2024
Melanie asks How do I decline a date without hurting his feelings? Help. My answer Tell him this: "Oh for God's sake! Not again! You and I go through this every bloody Friday. We ...
How not to be the aquatic equivalent of sheep-shaggers
14 Nov 2023
Anastasia asks How do I tell my apartment manager "stop fvΒ’Γ—ing ignoring me, this is really important and I'm sick of practically pulling teeth just to get anything done around here" wit...
For best swimming results, replace your arms with a Falcon Heavy
25 Oct 2023
Tara asks My arms are tired from working out. But I was planning on going to the gym to swim after work tonight and swimming wears out my arms. How do I recover? My answer Why not do...
How to out-hipster every hipster: aorta bungy cords
25 Oct 2023
Danielle asks My bf is being a dingbat lately. Not answering my questions, not calling me after he says he will, taking hours to respond to texts. Obv there’s something going on. He live...
How to make a bear trap orgasm
7 Oct 2023
This particular bear has informed me on a great many occasions that this is his cum face, and he's sick to fucking death of reminding me. Fa asks Periods doesn't stop my man from ha...
Just as "Featherstonehaugh" is pronounced "Fanshaw", "Wank" is pronounced ...
15 Sep 2023
Jeff Wank asks This my real name. What do? My answer Why not follow the fine example of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FboWtJiNYro? Just as you pronounce Hyacinth Bucket's surname "Bo...
The world only contains four billion penises
17 Jul 2023
JC Smith asks So I'm Asexual but I'm tired of explaining what that is whenever the topic of happy fun time comes up, and the term "virgin" feels antiquated and has too much baggage. Wh...
Doesn't everyone ejaculate raw gumbo?
15 Jul 2023
Tiffany asks What to add to my gumbo to make it a little spicier? My answer That book ... hint hint, eh? Though ... I'm puzzled, my dude. What's the point of adding even more gentleman...
How The FINEST Food Critics REALLY Get A Head: The Discerning Cannibal's Guide To Career Perfection
12 Jul 2023
Tali asks So I've got wonderful friends who if they'd all been able to make lunch this weekend would have resulted in the following list of food requirements, next time they actually a...
Bedbugs are sweethearts when they're emotionally vulnerable
12 Jul 2023
Michelle asks The place we were temporarily staying at has bedbugs and they didn't tell us before staying, we finally got a house and we move in a few days, we're not taking anything w...
How to stampede cattle through your typical megachurch
6 Jul 2023
Melissa asks P-Hub and all of its affiliated sites blocked everyone in my state from using it. What do? My answer Isn't it obvious? Change your state! Decide which of your neighbourin...
How to seduce Annatar, Lord of Fab
10 Jun 2023
Image source: https://lieutenant-of-darkness.tumblr.com/post/158... SkiSakima asks I got psychosis and scared almost everyone away what do My answer Isn't it obvious? Just r...