"Gentlemen, one of us may secretly be female!"

7 Feb 2025

Jenna asks

About to go into a job interview in a male dominated field. I am a cis female.

What do?

Hard mode: no moms, dads, or stripping

My answer

Get to know every single one of them, discover which male present is most into pegging, butter him up with heady promises of the pegging of a lifetime, then once his rectum is squealing in giddy anticipation, literally climb inside him ass-first, and wear the fellow like a fleshy space suit. Then simply walk in the business's front door and conduct your business as usual. They won't suspect a thing. In fact in my experience such businesses' staff tend to be an outright majority of incredibly petite and savvy ladies all piloting rotund blokes, each fearing they're the sole gal in an ocean of Man. So ask around. You'd be surprised how many of your new colleagues are concentric femme-pilots.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/groups/545286786317245/po...

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