Kowtow to the PC-gone-mad crowd: wank off Genghis Khan 100k times

24 Nov 2021

Leah asks

Asked boyfriend to buy cream of tartar for baking, comes home with tartar sauce for fish, what do

My answer

Tell him: "You moron! I didn't mean tartar sauce, I meant cream of Tatars! You know? Mongol horse archers? What the hell did you think I was planning to do with that massive herd of a hundred thousand horses in our back garden? However will I breed and populate my new Khanate now? Go back to the mall and back to their Genghis Khan grotto - you know, their new-fangled Santa's Workshop replacement? Their kowtowing to the PC-gone-mad brigade? They figured a monument to slavery and genocide might substitute for luvvery wholeshome childrens' toys. Yeah I know, last days of Rome, etc. Buy anyhoo. Follow my instructions properly, if you please, now return there and wank off their Genghis Khan stunt double a hundred thousand times and bring back a hundred grand cream of Tatars and breed me a mighty Mongol army. Babycakes."

Source: https://www.facebook.com/groups/393804108644865/po...

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