Show your breasts who's boss

Consent is sexy

Published on: 25 Nov 05:16

Colleen asks

I work as a CNA during the grave shift (6PM- 6AM). There are only four of us who work the shift (just one person working at a time):

New girl #1: constantly pulls "no calls, no shows." I've had to go into overtime covering the first part of her shift until someone can take over.

New girl #2: suddenly can't walk today (??) and called out. My manager called and asked me to come in. It's my day off. I said no.

Regular #1: gone on vacation and can't currently cover shifts

Regular #2 (me): I just got diagnosed with arthritis in my hip, and my manager wants me to not miss work since there will be literally no one there to cover for me.

It's a sh!tty situation. I'd quit, but I'm getting paid $18 an hour. What do?

No OCC. I really need a laugh

My answer

Change the law in your country to make all breasts legal citizens, fill in whatever paperwork is necessary to make your own breasts fellow employees at your graveyard shift (and if Nature has been careless enough to have neglected to supply you with a pair, then have whatever the opposite of a mastectomy is) - and then hey, collect their wages yourself, triple pay. Though you may have to first show your breasts who's boss, to prevent one or both attempting the same dirty trick on you. I'd do that anyway, just to prevent them ganging up on you. Ever met a gal who found herself on the wrong end of a breasts rebellion? I hear that happened to Dolly Parton.
