The worst porno in the world

Consent is sexy❀

Published on: 08 Nov 03:40

Noah asks

I want to make a p0rn. What should the title and theme be?

My answer

Don't just film people shagging. Any old chump can do that. That's old hat. Boring clichΓ©. Do the opposite. Something really attention-grabbing. Make the worst porno in the world. Let's have a gazillion porn archetypes, but in reverse. Anti-bukkake, where clinicians with funnels and hand pumps squirt it back up strapping young mens' urethras. Anti-cunnilingus, where specific species of trained cats with extra-sandpapery tongues perform oral so exquisitely awful that the recipients experience a kind of reverse orgasm. For bonus points, try crashing a Pentecostal church service and chew out the minister for not being gay enough.
