Three hundred Zimbabwean dollars

Consent is sexy

Published on: 08 Nov 03:52

Darleen asks

I want a puppy. She wants 300$ for this puppy which is a mixed breed.

I can afford to vet a puppy and feed a puppy but do not have 300$ cash on hand right now.

How do I get this puppy anyway?

My answer

Steal the puppy owner's identity; fake her broadcasting millions of public messages apparently screaming about the horrid tyranny of her delicate soul 'neath the hobnailed boots of whichever the hell bit of the world she lives; fake her broadcasting millions more public messages re the imminent ecstasy of at last, AT LAST emigrating to the impossible nirvana of Great Zimbabwe; repeat until Zimbabwe's government kidnaps her just to shut her up, then pay her three hundred Zimbabwean dollars.
