Alexandra asks
My nightmare of a "Christian" landlord has presented my partner and I with a bs "3 Day Cure or Quit Notice" - right before his birthday and Christmas!
Aside from retaining an attorney, which we've already done, what do?
My answer
Locate the most obnoxiously pro-Nazi, anti-Christian literature you can source, and fight fire with Führer.
Source the second: I wish, I wish, I wish I possessed the genius and the wit to have come up with the "Führer" pun myself. Nah. I read it in a webcomic years and years ago, and just this minute realised I could google and source it myself. Here it is:
Also I tried to update the Facebook post's content with this source also, but turns out a mod decided that too many commenters' replies were breaking too many group rules, and turned off commenting.