Meat dress, cake dress, nitrogen dress, yum

Consent is sexy

Published on: 19 Jan 08:22

Wren asks

i want to get married sometime in the next 5-7 years. the problem is i’m nonbinary (gender), and don’t really want to wear a wedding dress or a tuxedo, but i still want to look ‘wedding’-y. what should i wear? bonus points for fun ideas for my male partner to wear too.

My answer

Shun both dresses and tuxes yet still wish to look "wedding-y"?

How about a cake? Not, like, an article of clothing made to look like a cake. An actual cake. If Lady Gaga can pull off her meat dress, why can't you pull off a cake dress? Cakes aren't typically known for their structural integrity, so you'll have to harden or strengthen yours first. Kick off with a standard wedding cake and leave it out in the sun for two weeks and let it go really really stale and rock-hard. Either that or freeze it. Could you conduct your wedding in Siberia or Greenland, outdoors? Even the squishiest cakes will become diamond-hard. Either that or hire Ghostbusters to squirt you and your cake-dress with liquid nitrogen throughout the wedding ceremony.
