Execution by practice-T-Rex-dildo

Consent is sexy

Published on: 26 Dec 22:45

Image source: https://twitter.com/xenowyvern/status/816336768047...

Rosanna asks

Been vomiting solid food for over a week and my doctors aren't helpful.

My answer

Wait, it's solid food you're vomiting? Are you not even chewing before you swallow shit whole? You're not a T-Rex, are you? Geez, it's no wonder your doctors can't help you, they're probably used to Homo-sapiens-based conditions involving patients refusing to chew: usually they're practicing their oral-sex-ing by deepthroating cucumbers and bananas and suchlike.

You should totally give that a try. Start gobbling the kinds of penisey-practice-foods that Lady-T-Rexes enjoy slurping down whenever they wish to improve their skills at pleasuring their Bloke-T-Rexes. Palm trees, maybe. The basilica at St. Peter's Square in Vatican City, perhaps. Give the Pope a nice show. Your symptoms will change to match the kinds of horrible-fellatio side effects your doctors have actual experience with. They'll readily inform you to stop being such a strumpet. Then eat them. Swallow them whole. Punish their unconscionable sex-negativity with execution-by-practice-T-Rex-dildo.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/groups/393804108644865/po...