How to increase your grad school's corruption and orgy levels

Consent is sexy

Published on: 11 Dec 04:02

Brenda asks

I'm in grad school creating a final presentation in power point. One of the slides needs to "provide ways to advocate for equity at the school, district, and community levels."

How the f*** should I know?

So, how should I advocate for equity?

My answer

Why not hilariously misunderstand "equity" as "equites"? For those not in the know, Equites were the merchant-social-class of the Roman Republic, one class lower than the aristocracy. In Rome's wars, they fought as light cavalry, and it's the origin of "Equestrian".

Actual real Equites were hilarious. At least with the distance of historical hindsight. They loved slavery. And tax farming. And running various Roman provinces as corruptly as possible.

You should totally do that. At your next grad school meeting, take over the entire thing with the help of several hundred hired goons, then use it as a launching pad for bloody invasion of your school and district and community in the name of the Roman Republic. Enslave the locals, confiscate their wealth, host spectacular orgies, all in the name of Equites, sorry, Equity.
