Professionaller Than Thou

Consent is sexy

Published on: 28 Feb 03:51

Maeve asks

i have a staff meeting today. what’s a very appropriate and professional outfit i can wear?

don’t say “nothing”. be creative

My answer

Why not become an expert illusionist/magician and steal everyone else's outfits without them noticing? Flit and zip around your staff conference room, twinkle away everyone else's items of apparel with such astonishing and subtle skill that they all remain oblivious, then dash outside clasping dozens of formal businesswear outfits. Now, don the whole lot yourself. Turn yourself into a garbled sphere of textiled professionalism. Roll back in, then perform a colossal pantomime gasp and admonish everyone else for their unconscionable nudey unprofessionalism. They should totally take a leaf out of your book, because as they can all see, you've dressed more professionally than the rest of them combined. Inform them with head held high that only the finest and most impeccably-dressed executives will ever make it to the C-Suite or above. How can't you friggin' cave-men and/or -women understand how In it this season to wear twenty-three bras and nineteen blazers? I've got the cup sizes stacked concentrically, look! Get a load of the Maestro!
