Iron Woman Anti-Bra Suit

Consent is sexy

Published on: 28 Mar 15:57

Image-searching for "Iron Woman" admittedly produces plenty of excellent Iron Woman images, but "Adepta Sororitas" outdoes even them.

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Maeve asks

my b00bs won’t fit in my bras anymore, but i’m certain that there’s no way i’ve gone up a cup size. how do i get honkers to stay in bra???

hard mode: no cutting off or damaging the ta tas

My answer

Move to Jupiter. Or the centre of the Sun. Or any location sporting millions and billions of atmospheres of pressure. They say liquids are incompressible, right? Nah, that's an oversimplification: under reasonable, everyday conditions you'll never get water or other liquids to compress, but find a ginormous-enough planet or star and it'll compress down wonderfully. Move there. Boobs being the same three-quarters water as any other bit of our anatomy, they'll readily shrink, as will the rest of you. These same local conditions will, however, annihilate and pulverise you in nanoseconds, so you'd also need to move to the Marvel universe or something, and construct an Iron Man suit out of pure adamantium, with just a little flex in the bust-region. Then simply teleport into the Sun's core sporting your Iron Woman Anti-Bra Suit, and let gravity do the rest. Problem solved.
