Can you commission RealDolls of real people?

Consent is sexy

Published on: 11 May 02:57

Cassidy asks

I can see in the windows of an apartment in the building next door. It was empty for a while but three people just moved in. How should I welcome them? (hard mode: nothing sexual)

ETA: cannot enter building. only form of communication is through my own window

My answer

Commission three RealDoll duplicates of your new neighbours (yeah I know, nothing sexual, just wait a sec), then position your sexy clones in a variety of embarrassing poses in your own house's windows, in full view of your neighbours. For bonus fun, spend a happy evening with your RealDoll chums, enjoying a movie together on your living room sofa. Something good and loud, ideally involving zombies. Or Batman. Loudly brandish a shotgun as each movie-zombie perishes. When your fleshy neighbours at last become aware of your dupes, perform a hilarious pantomime double-take between your buildings, waggle your shotgun, lock eyes with your neighbour, nudge the corresponding dupe-doll, leap to your feet, and holler "AT LAST THE IMPOSTOR YOU'D WARNED ME OF! TO THE BATCAVE!"
