Gorgeous ASCII renditions of baboon anuses

Consent is sexy

Published on: 11 May 02:52

Sarah asks

hey friends

i was hit by a truck in December and just got this cool medical bill in the mail.

what should i do with it?

*plz no ooc i need to laugh bc i am devastated 🙃*

My answer

Dear god. All right, you're on. I can spy a few loopholes:

  1. The invoice makes no mention of the currency. Why not pay in 1923 German Weimar Republic Marks? You know, the ones involved in the worst case of inflation in history. Check out https://en.wikipedia.org/.../Hyperinflation_in_the_Weimar...: "By November 1923, one US dollar was worth 4,210,500,000,000 German marks." Only 27208 Marks? Meds-wise, that'd cover you a burp from a leper standing on Saturn.
  2. I can't help but notice that the Previous/Current Balance values have no minus-signs, and are in black. Not red (at least I think so - I'm colourblind, and genuinely can't be 100% sure). So are these values positive? Has your account balance with them genuinely increased? Surely they're not implying that the currency transfer direction should be reversed? Same with your health? Did it improve? What the hell kind of truck improves the health of anyone it flattens? Can I ask it to flatten me too?
  3. Blank Payment Due date; blank Pay This Amount date. They're not very emphatic, are they? Could you send them a cheque for negative-infinity dollars, paid back in the Jurassic? See if you can crash their finance servers with horribly invalid data. On second thoughts, claim your payment value is the Batman logo, or the Prince symbol, or a gorgeous ASCII rendition of a baboon's anus.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/groups/393804108644865/po...