The cultivation of sexy space babes

Consent is sexy

Published on: 09 May 19:31

Dirty buggers, the lot of 'em! Every glory enthusiast in the Solar System, at last contained in one spot.

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Selena asks

During s3xy talk I've accidentally called my bf's peepee smol. Now he's off3nded.
What do to repair damage 🙁

My answer

Why not both move to Pluto? I hear its winters are so bloody cold that for half of Pluto's 248-Earth-year year, the atmosphere literally freezes and falls from the sky. Simply construct the Solar System's first(?) habitat dome with a glory hole. Then ask him to stand outside with his peepee protruding in, and now wait for the minus-infinity outside temperatures to freeze him solid and induce some hellish thermal contraction. Not only will his non-penisey body parts will shrink and contract and make his gonads appear larger by comparison, problem solved, but the gonads themselves will remain toasty warm via the glory hole and still available for use.
