The finest Method Actress in the galaxy

Consent is sexy❀

Published on: 22 May 22:29

Megan asks

I’ve developed feelings for my f buddy/mutual therapist of 3 months and I can tell he’s irritated by how much I talk to him. What do

My answer

Tell him you've been cast as Deadpool in "X-Men Origins: Wolverine 2: This Time He's Even More Original". The whole reason you got the part over Ryan Reynolds is, your fuck-buddy/therapist's oblivious glorious fucky therapy has stimulated and amplified your deepest darkest passions to a thespian volcano of terrifying grandeur. And it won't turn off. But do you want to turn it off? He's burnished you into the finest Method Actress in the galaxy. There's no acting role you can't nail. Every director thirsts for you. Reynolds doesn't have a ghost's chance to reprise his role. But Method Actressing isn't without its price, is it. Time to fully inhabit the role of X-Men Origins Deadpool. Tell your bloke to sew your mouth shut.
