The trembly tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise

Consent is sexy

Published on: 09 May 04:37

Maeve asks

i was wrong. i’ve gone up two cup sizes. what do now 😭

Original question

My answer

Could you not walk everywhere upside down, doing handstands? Then your boobs would begin flopping back towards your chin. I have no idea how many years of reverse upward sagging it'd take to reverse and cancel-out your X years of standard floorward sagging enjoyed by conventional breasts, but a decent duration, surely? Enough to buy you enough time to invent some kind of zero-gravity device and just let them flop and wobble around freely forever. All you'd need then is some kind of zero-G boobs micro-tugboat hover fleet, nudging your boobs to tremble stationary vaguely near your chest, so's they'd vaguely resemble that scene in Revenge Of The Sith where ol' Palpatine is filling Anakin's young noggin with tall tales of Darth Plagueis the Wise, and there's that vast wobbly aquatic opera kicking off in the background. Hell, maybe that's was actually happening.
