A million funky-wunky chrome strapons

Consent is sexy

Published on: 08 Jun 07:41

Natasha asks

Had my appendix removed yesterday, and now in recovery, in an extreme amount of pain even on opioids.

Now stuck on a ward with lots of noisy people coughing, snoring, watching TV, and I am SO DAMN TIRED and need to sleep.

What do?

My answer

How about a cunnilingus competition? Or a funky-wunky gender-neutral slut contest? I've never encountered a situation so dire that a properly top-quality slut contest wouldn't do wonders. Just picture the Battle of Stalingrad with each side resplendent in a million latex bikinis and tartan-chrome strapons. Generalplan Ost won't know what hit it.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/groups/393804108644865/po...