How to adopt your own mother

Consent is sexy

Published on: 26 Jan 00:12

Evan asks

Decided to go no contact with my mom tonight. What do?

My answer

"No-Contact" means different things in different countries and legal systems, I think - if you're in a region where you're able to fully and totally detach yourself from your bio-mum and become legal strangers ... why not then legally adopt her? And become her mother? It'd make a fantastic surprise Christmas present.

Then transform yourself into one of those spectacular super-mums we're always reading about in pageant shows, where the contestants' mums are quite obviously living and fantasising vicariously through them. Get your own mum dressed up in one of the show's pageant-costumes without her knowledge, then physically shove her into the midst of a group of actual performers whilst the TV crews are recording their grisly footage, then scream at ol' Mumsy to dance dance DANCE until you actually feel proud of her. Be sure to out-scream your neighbouring mums too, and hey bonus, they'll surely worship you as their queen. Result!
