How to abuse a cubic kilometre of Rohirrim poo

Consent is sexy

Published on: 07 Oct 06:40

Alyssa asks

When we moved to where we live (from a city to small town), we didn't realize there are NO trash pickup services...

We're a family of 5-7 (no explanation) so the trash piles up QUIIIIIICK. It's been 3 years, we still don't have any solutions.

We've tried hiring a guy with a truck a couple times (different guys each time lol) but they aren't consistent and/or want an exorbitant fee which we can't afford. It doesn't get easier in the snow, and winter is coming again.

Edit: I should've added we have a train that occasionally comes through and slow river beyond the backyard. Accepting advice incorporating those features, as well.

What do??????

My answer

What kind of trash are we talking about? Packaging etc? Why not purchase products made of incredibly biodegradable packaging? Purchase a cubic kilometre of horse dung from Rohan's Rohirrim, then dry and compress it into sturdy box sides and use that. Sell it to your local product manufacturers and then purchase your dehydrated-horse-poo-boxed products to your heart's content. Your neighbours will be ever so pleased.
