Oysters: pointless goddamn rocket fuel

Consent is sexy

Published on: 21 Oct 03:39

Chickypickymakey asks

Are aphrodisiacs a real thing?

I think the most well-known (natural) aphrodisiac is ginger, and I happen to like ginger ! Fresh, dried, as a spice, as a juice, candied... I like it. But I've never felt particularly horny after eating ginger. So, is it really an aphrodisiac ?

My answer

Kind of! One of the classic alleged aphrodisiacs is oysters. A few months ago I was at a seafood restaurant, contemplated the legends around oysters, and decided I'd try them for the first time. The waiters brought us an apparently delightful medley of oysters on ice, with accompanying sauces.

I must say, I've viewed more aesthetically pleasing foodstuffs. The oysters looked like snot. But what the hell. Down the hatch. I ate one.

Turns out they feel and taste like snot too. But, like, even more boring snot. They exuded some kind of anti-food void, whereby I couldn't detect even a hint of foody sensation. They weren't unpleasant, exactly, just ... pointless. Utterly, utterly pointless.

I rerolled the gastronomic dice and attempted a second, this time with hot sauce. It tasted like snotty hot sauce.

Dear god. What a disappointment. It seemed oysters are the most baffling, overrated, and unnecessary foodstuff I'd ever encountered.

Two minutes later, however, all of a sudden I realised I'd not felt so vigorous and energised and dynamic in friggin' weeks. Sturdy energies sparkled through me. I couldn't believe it. What could be causing it? Ohhright, the oysters! Wow! The aphro-legends are true!

I downed more. Each time, I experienced a two-minute gap between a yawning void of dreary culinary bleakness, and an unholy enema of exquisite goddamn rocket fuel. I could have humped the universe. Turns out these things are dynamite. Just snotty dynamite.

Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/sex/comments/17cnsw4/comm...