Bet you couldn't marry a frumpy dullard like Amber Heard

Consent is sexy

Published on: 24 Apr 11:09

Ashley asks

2 day stay in hospital caused $52k bill, what do?

My answer

There is a saying among banks and other money lenders: "If someone owes you a million dollars, that's a them-problem. If they owe you a billion dollars, that's a you-problem."

Isn't it obvious? You should totally rack up the most colossal hospital bill in the history of the universe, so massive that if you should fail to pay it, the hospital will immediately go bankrupt. Become the next Eval Knievel. Jump the Grand Canyon. Jump the Atlantic. Pulverise your body into a messy paste and send your hospital the repair bill. Insist on every optional extra they could ever provide. Drain their morphine vats. Gobble every food item in their cafeteria. Use a different MRI machine for each hair strand, all at once. Infect yourself with every pathogen and consume all their cures in one massive monsoon-bucket-shot-glass. Seduce, marry and divorce Amber Heard and then scream to the hospital's pricey psychologists a frumpy dullard like her could never satisfy the majestic appetites of your kind. Fashion anal beads from the hospital's plutonium samples. Anything and everything.

I don't know what medical law is wherever you're from, but I think most hospitals in most countries are legally required to immediately operate or treat whatever urgent condition you're suffering from, then sort out the moola deets later. Keep up your rampage for a few years and with any luck you'll bankrupt them and you won't have to pay a dime, how rad is that?
