How to enter and pilot your FWB's SO like a fleshy tuxedo

Consent is sexy

Published on: 16 Apr 21:58

Tristen asks

Fwb was not single what do 💀

My answer

Unleash some good old-fashioned Stalinist Peoples' Wrath on your FWB's SO. Stalin, for all his other faults, was always amazing at mustering and unleashing the Peoples' Wrath (seriously, that was the official Soviet phrasing) upon those he found inconvenient. Here's how. For convenience I'll assume all three of you are male and/or penis-havers.

Simply hide inside your FWB's seminal vesicle (that's the bit inside a dude's pelvis storing his spunk for later ejaculation), then twiddle your thumbs for a while inside his spunk-sac until he realises you're absent and the coast is now clear for a bit of cheeky SO-humping.

He'll make his way there, start snogging, start humping, and the interior walls of your fleshy condo will start tingling as imminent orgasm threatens. Ride that white tiger like Falcor in a porno-parody Neverending Story, and surf your sloshy way up FWB's cock and into the SO's rectum.

Now you're inside him too. Result! Shove your limbs into his and pilot him around like a fleshy tuxedo. Your FWB will think you're him. And now the psyche-destroying mind games can begin. Insist on some fantastic oral, immediately: if you can concentrically thread your cock within the SO's, with any luck your FWB will obliviously suck off both of you at once. Synchronise your ejaculation with that of your SO host, and both spunk-streams will emerge twirled together, like snazzy toothpaste, or Ghostbuster guns. This was one of Stalin's most favourite Gulag torture techniques, I hear.

The FWB, no doubt a seasoned professional at sucking off both of you, will immediately detect your spunk mixed with the SO's, and throb with hot suspicion at, apparently, the two of you bumping uglies behind his back. The stage is now set for a glorious blazing row. Based on your post history, I'm sure I won't need to instruct you on how to inflame and explode this, as it would appear you're a natural. Godspeed, young man! Make Stalin proud.
