The classic "whaddaya MEAN ya can't paint red lights green" defence

Consent is sexy

Published on: 27 Apr 01:08

Rhett asks

I'm tired of stoplights taking too long to change for me. Half the time, they change for no reason and give the ghost traffic in the turning lane, a green arrow.

How do I show the light who's boss?

My answer

Isn't it obvious? Simply load up your favourite marksman paintball gun with bright green paintballs. On your next road journey, whenever you see a stoplight in the distance, screech to a grinding halt in the middle of the road, let traffic pile up behind you, take careful aim at the distant red dot, then futz a gazillion green paints onto it. Problem solved. You may now vroom safely across the intersection as you see fit, and if you get side-swiped by Wrong motorists as you cross, suing them becomes even easier. I hear most judges adore the classic "whaddaya MEAN ya can't paint red lights green" defence.
