Why Caesarian sections aren't as gay as you'd feared

Consent is sexy❀

Published on: 14 Apr 23:47

Irene asks

Hey guys, I had my baby on the 12th, surgery was COMPLICATED and thankfully baby is okay now (we did have a scare she was blue and not breathing when she came out but they got her through with oxygen). my c section was not as planned and my doctor made it very clear I should NOT have anymore kids because my body can’t handle it.

Scar tissue is brutal, everything hurts. What kind of things can I do to make sure everything heals properly and I feel my best?

My answer

Ever considered becoming the next Harry Houdini? One of his many talents, alongside escaping from submerged chained-up straitjackets and the like, was claiming loudly that he could easily withstand a punch to the stomach from anyone and everyone. Provided he had time to prepare and tense up his stomach. One such challenger slugged him in the midriff totally by surprise, and he died two days later.

Why not shout from every rooftop that every fist in the universe is weak and flaccid and will instantly crumple and shatter against your C-section scar? Approach Mike Tyson in front of his fans and accuse him of being gay or something. Scream that your C-section scar is more masculine and mighty and magnificent than he'll ever be. He'll love that.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/groups/393804108644865/po...