How to seduce Annatar, Lord of Fab

Consent is sexy

Published on: 10 Jun 23:29

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SkiSakima asks

I got psychosis and scared almost everyone away what do

My answer

Isn't it obvious? Just raise the average dread levels of the entire universe so insanely high that everyone around you is shitting bricks constantly and in comparison you are now a tranquil jellyfish.

How, you ask? Seduce Sauron, obviously. The whole deal with those Black Rider Nazgûl fellas was that Sauron wished to enslave the mightiest kings of Middle-Earth and bend them to his hideous will, so he fashioned a shitload of rings and farted into them or something for a gazillion years each and imbued each with his pungent essence. And then turned up at each kingdom as Annatar, Lord of Fab, and gifted each ring to each king, and after only a few centuries, each bloke shrivelled into a Rider-bloke. Just being in the same postcode confers funk and corruption.

You should totally harness this. Slide into Sauron's DMs and persuade him to confiscate all nine rings from all nine Nazgûl and give the whole lot to you. You could wear four on each hand and one as a nose piercing, or perhaps a strapon cock-ring. No-one will be able to reside on the same planet as you without losing their goddamn minds. And you'll be a mellow potato in comparison. Problem solved, girl ❤︎
