How not to complete uni: abuse the trust of your chicken protégé

Consent is sexy

Published on: 21 Jul 20:18

Aah. I escaped university fourteen years ago. I still have anxiety dreams about it. Last night's dream was a real banger. They're all themed identically: turns out I'm three quarters of the way through my physics and maths courses, and turns out I'd missed half my lectures and assignments via plain ol' slacking and lethargy. But ... supposing I then dedicate every waking second of the next month working my fingers and brain to the goddamn bone, I miiiiight just scrape through with a pass. Might. But I won't know until the month ends and the courses finish, so now I've got to toil until I burn out, with the tummy-sinking knowledge that the drudgery ahead was always futile and unnecessary and self-inflicted and it's all dream-me's fault. Ugh.

But this time my subconscious threw me a curveball. This time dream-me owned a pet chicken, and it was instead the chicken slacking off from these physics and maths lectures. But my subconscious could never decide on the nature of the chicken: one second, it'd be fully sentient and a keen protégé and dismayed that dream-me had taught it such appalling study habits, staring up at me with its great wobbly eyes full of betrayal and shattered trust; the next second, it'd be fully roasted and sitting in the lecture theatre in a baking dish and surrounded by onions and carrots and a delicious smell; then I'd blink and it's a regular non-talking chicken, clucking indignantly at me whenever I commanded it to compute the integrals of various trigonometric vector calculus expressions.
