Today's hottest new drug: diet-diet-diet-diet-crack and not actual snow

Consent is sexy

Published on: 22 Mar 21:13

Ashley asks

Current situation (and still accumulating). Its 10:40 at night, and Im supposed to work at 9am (will still be snowing.) What do?

My answer

Why not change occupations? Become one of those chic trendy fashionistas with a chic trendy addiction to the hottest new drug in town, diet-diet-diet-diet-crack, which only the squarest and uncool-est people might possibly mistake for regular ol' snow. Nasally hoover up the lot, enjoy the shitty shitty high, then the comedown, then the recovery, then hit up your local late-night talk shows crowing that with God's help, you've finally conquered your heinous addiction to faux-snow. And as an added bonus, you've cleared your neighbours' driveways like the generous neighbour you are, and you'll only charge them fifty bucks each.
