The next big craze: DIY trepanning?

28 May 2024

Stevie asks

I've been drinking a reasonable amount of water everyday but still keep getting bad headaches at work everyday. What do

My answer

Headaches? Want to buy one of my DIY trepanning kits? For those not in the know, trepanning is one of the first ever recorded medical procedures, observed on skeletons tens of thousands of years old, and still practiced up until a few centuries back. Its patients were typically people with horrific migraine headaches, and your doctor basically just chiselled a hole in your skull, to let out the demons or whatever.

Why not give trepanning the ol' college try? As a fab bonus, you'll be able to hydrate your brain directly. Kits are $29.99 each, or only $199.99 for a pack of ten. Get in on the ground floor, baby.


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