Writing insane crap is seriously underrated.

Consent is sexy

Some bee species are choosier than others
10 Dec 2021
Nolan asks I want my ass eaten but I'm single, what do? My answer Are you particularly fussy re the species performing the eating? If not, you could locate a particularly ravenous be...
Satanic autofellating: the rational choice
10 Dec 2021
Nolan asks I want my ass eaten but I'm single, what do? My answer Wasn't there that urban legend that Marilyn Manson had a rib removal operation specifically to allow him to suck his o...
Become the finest flirter in the galaxy
8 Dec 2021
RW asks I posted about this before but the situation is getting worse. Im a 41yo married mom of two and there’s a guy probably young enoughto be my son who works at Trader Joe’s and ob...
Cure 1,865,500 haemorrhoids per second
6 Dec 2021
Iain asks How to get rid of a haemorrhoid? My answer The current record holder for the fastest ever artificial object (excluding individual subatomic particles inside the Large Hadron ...
Pilot your human around like a fleshy mech
6 Dec 2021
Amanda asks I'm trapped, what do? lykyk My answer Tell your human mattress that how dare she wear such comfy hoodies. I recall encountering a scientific study the other day which disc...
Bap the unfamiliar penises with a rolled-up newspaper
5 Dec 2021
Lexi asks My boyfriend just left for work and won’t be back for a few weeks. I’m super sad about it. I don’t enjoy being all alone in the house. Advice on how to feel better? My answer...
A tactful guide to menstruating Twink
25 Nov 2021
Grace asks I started my period at work and I’m wearing white pants what should i do? My answer Start menstruating Twink or Tippex or corrective fluid or whatever your part of the worl...
Show your breasts who's boss
25 Nov 2021
Colleen asks I work as a CNA during the grave shift (6PM- 6AM). There are only four of us who work the shift (just one person working at a time): New girl #1: constantly pulls "no calls...
Throw yourself upon an anti-breasts grenade to save the squad
24 Nov 2021
Patricia asks Hola! Getting my boobies chopped on Thursday and haven't mentioned it to most people. What should I tell them happened? (EDIT: what do?) My answer Tell them you valiantly...
Punish mumblers with instant cunnilingus
24 Nov 2021
Amanda asks I hate asking people to repeat themselves. What should I do instead when I mishear someone? My answer Misinterpret every misheard sentence as desperate and emphatic ple...
How to make Hilter even more feminine
24 Nov 2021
Yasmin asks My 1 year old rudely ripped off my birth control patch while I napped How do I make him understand I don’t want anymore little hims My answer Play the long game. Buy anot...
One breast lactates bleach, the other breast whiskey
24 Nov 2021
Taylor asks My daughter is 2.5 and I could not possibly be more done with breastfeeding. How do I remove her from the tiddy? ETA: I'm asking for bad advice, not bad judgment lmfaooo My...