Shite Advice

Writing insane crap is seriously underrated.

Consent is sexy❀

Punish mumblers with instant cunnilingus
24 Nov 2021
Amanda asks I hate asking people to repeat themselves. What should I do instead when I mishear someone? My answer Misinterpret every misheard sentence as desperate and emphatic ple...
Wholesome-er parenting: pistol-whip infants at dawn
24 Nov 2021
Inka asks Ok guys, having my first child on Friday. Never even held a baby since my cousin was born in 1997. Best ways to keep baby alive? My answer Challenge it to regular duels. Pis...
Nuke every faultline monthly: show Mother Nature who's boss
24 Nov 2021
Sarah asks Just had a 5.3 earthquake and I live in the Shaky Isles of NZ on the Pacific rim of fire. What do My answer This one! I'm in...
How to make Hilter even more feminine
24 Nov 2021
Yasmin asks My 1 year old rudely ripped off my birth control patch while I napped How do I make him understand I don’t want anymore little hims My answer Play the long game. Buy anot...
A dram o' Toilet Duck, an M16, a chia enema: Viet Cong's worst nightmare
24 Nov 2021
Jemma asks I'm in hospital, my room is private but I share a bathroom with the room next door and there's no locks. What should I do if the other patient enters the bathroom while I'm ta...
Things worked out well for Twiggy, yeah?
24 Nov 2021
Phoenix asks I have a flat butt. What do? My answer Is that really a problem? Things worked out pretty well for Twiggy. Source:
One breast lactates bleach, the other breast whiskey
24 Nov 2021
Taylor asks My daughter is 2.5 and I could not possibly be more done with breastfeeding. How do I remove her from the tiddy? ETA: I'm asking for bad advice, not bad judgment lmfaooo My...
Steamy dalliances via concentric skin ponchos
24 Nov 2021
Tia asks How do I get someone to leave their wife and be with me instead? My answer Adjust your diet and exercise regimen to match the wife's physique as closely as possible, then hire...
Swastika strapons
24 Nov 2021
Carlos asks Just found out my work colleague might be a neo nazi, what do I do?! My answer Cosplay as Hitler, don a swastika strapon, and tell him he's been a very naughty boy. Source...
Turns out Permanent Press is for cats
24 Nov 2021
Tia asks This might be a dumb question but how do I clean my cat? My answer If by cat you mean the animal, I've had fantastic results with that Permanent Press mystery button we've all...
How to encourage armadillo/shark foetuses to battle each other
24 Nov 2021
Natasha asks Can't use hormonal birth control because of anti-epileptic medication. Can't get the copper IUD because allergy. Please advise best bad advice for alternate birth control me...
Unearned pro-breasts crusader praise
24 Nov 2021
Brooklyn asks I was just publicly shamed for breastfeeding at an outdoor fall festival whilst entirely covered. What do?! My answer Simple. What you do is, first, sneak into their ow...