
Writing insane crap is seriously underrated.

Consent is sexy

The perfect spot for the fuc*-bomb
17 Feb 2022
An esteemed internet schmuck asks Question for the class: Lord of the Rings is rated PG-13, and as such is allowed one F-bomb. Where would you put it? My answer Ha. All these suggestio...
Anti-mandate protest: bogans in Drizabones, chocolate-dipped bonobo placentas
13 Feb 2022
I couldn't find any images that are both pertinent to this topic and also genuinely funny, so here's a Russian bear enjoying itself. This morning I was going for a run. It just so happen...
Your regular ol' wedding-ring/cancer-cell starter kit
5 Feb 2022
Image source: Vall asks I’ve been crushing on one of my coworkers for years but kept my mouth shut because, y’know, professionalism...
What gun for home protection would be a really bad idea?
5 Feb 2022
Quora's Gun Club asks What gun for home protection would be a really bad idea? My answer Gun? Some guns for home protection are really really bad ideas yet still just a teensy bit pl...
Which actress hates to show she's smart?
21 Jan 2022
Anderson answers Megan Fox doesn't want to be like Scarlett Johansson: The "Transformers" actress claims she hates having to keep showing that she's smart to be taken seriously. "I don...
Meat dress, cake dress, nitrogen dress, yum
19 Jan 2022
Wren asks i want to get married sometime in the next 5-7 years. the problem is i’m nonbinary (gender), and don’t really want to wear a wedding dress or a tuxedo, but i still want to look...
What went wrong with Star Trek Discovery?
18 Jan 2022
Zbigniew asks Oh boy, I’ve tried hard to like this series, but eventually gave up somewhere in the midst of the 2nd season. It was so boring that I simply had to stop watching it. My an...
American road surfaces are jellyfish
17 Jan 2022
Aha. A mind worm has been hooked. A pungent brain fart has received the lit match of enlightenment. It's been over two years and it's finally occurred to me what American road surfaces remi...
Compsci degree vs three years XP in web-dev
16 Jan 2022
Why is a degree in computer science no longer the highly revered 'honey pot' entry qualification into the IT industry like it was before now? Mike repliesI’ve been in this space for over...
You'll have the holiest orifice in Christendom
16 Jan 2022
Abby asks I want to make more soap but the ingredients won't be ready for at least another few days. In the mean time what I can use as a substitute? edit: bonus points if it appeals to...
The seduction of every manager is unwise yet joyous
15 Jan 2022
Maria asks i accepted another job offer, how should i quit my current job? My answer Place every single member of senior management into a list, random order. Fake and/or steal the ide...
Flirtiest flirting in the history of humanity
15 Jan 2022
RW asks I posted about this before but the situation is getting worse. Im a 41yo married mom of two and there’s a guy probably young enough to be my son who works at Trader Joe’s and o...