
Writing insane crap is seriously underrated.

Consent is sexy

Become the finest flirter in the galaxy
8 Dec 2021
RW asks I posted about this before but the situation is getting worse. Im a 41yo married mom of two and there’s a guy probably young enoughto be my son who works at Trader Joe’s and ob...
A teensy bit bratty and hypocritical
6 Dec 2021
QuestionWhy does Gandalf say it would take four days to get through the mines of Moria when it took the fellowship roughly only a couple of hours to do it? Einar's answer The reas...
Cure 1,865,500 haemorrhoids per second
6 Dec 2021
Iain asks How to get rid of a haemorrhoid? My answer The current record holder for the fastest ever artificial object (excluding individual subatomic particles inside the Large Hadron ...
Pilot your human around like a fleshy mech
6 Dec 2021
Amanda asks I'm trapped, what do? lykyk My answer Tell your human mattress that how dare she wear such comfy hoodies. I recall encountering a scientific study the other day which disc...
Bap the unfamiliar penises with a rolled-up newspaper
5 Dec 2021
Lexi asks My boyfriend just left for work and won’t be back for a few weeks. I’m super sad about it. I don’t enjoy being all alone in the house. Advice on how to feel better? My answer...
Infect ten thousand dogs with Covid
25 Nov 2021
Ian asks My dog is at the vet right now and might not be coming out. I'm at a brewery down the road on my second beer but it's not helping. What do to get rid of big sad? ETA: I'm waiti...
Vomit a donkey every seven milliseconds
25 Nov 2021
Chelsea asks What do My answer Write a web script that hooks into Messenger's API and bombard the fellow with a randomly chosen Google Images search image of a donkey, every seven mill...
Speed broken ankle healsies with molten iron
25 Nov 2021
Tricia asks So my daughter snapped her ankle and has been in a cast for 6 weeks, she’s just been told she has another 6 weeks. What to do to entertain her? Ooc nothing sexual. She’s 14 ...
A tactful guide to menstruating Twink
25 Nov 2021
Grace asks I started my period at work and I’m wearing white pants what should i do? My answer Start menstruating Twink or Tippex or corrective fluid or whatever your part of the worl...
Why it's the height of sound wisdom to amputate every leg in the universe
25 Nov 2021
Jefferson asks I feel insecure about my height(I'm 5'6) and it's slowly eating at me, I can't focus on any other thing apart from the fact I'm short. I'm 19 and hope I can still grow at ...
Show your breasts who's boss
25 Nov 2021
Colleen asks I work as a CNA during the grave shift (6PM- 6AM). There are only four of us who work the shift (just one person working at a time): New girl #1: constantly pulls "no calls...
Narcissistic Russian three-piece birthday suits
25 Nov 2021
Lei asks My boyfriend has been acting weird lately and I feel like he doesn’t want to be around me anymore what do to keep him — please no OOC, I’m having a really bad BPD (borderline...