
Writing insane crap is seriously underrated.

Consent is sexy

Three kids in a trenchcoat from a parallel universe
8 Nov 2021
Njegoš asks Cousin and his wife keep calling me to come over and stay for a few days, but they have 3 spoiled children and I don't wanna deal with that crap again. I've ran out of excuse...
A super-huge giant 3 year old
8 Nov 2021
Tori asks My 3 year old has a big personality and somehow got a guy to give her $10 trick or treating tonight (yes a day early Bc out city is in the Bible Belt). What shall I buy myself ...
Ten thousand packets of anti-moisture granules: tampon perfection
8 Nov 2021
Karra asks My . decided to come a week early. What's a good substitute for tampons? My answer Ten thousand packets of those anti-moisture granule things you get in capsule bottles. Sho...
Extreme-right politics gets me really HOT
8 Nov 2021
Susanna asks What kind of favors can I use men on tinder for? I was thinking of picking one up tomorrow to help me assemble an ikea furniture that I can't put together by myself. What el...
Shoot off your balls a thousand times for science
8 Nov 2021
Eli asks What should I think that happened? ETA - people, I know about IVF. I am looking for bad, funny explanations. My answer There was an American Civil War urban legend about a sp...
Charge oil barons through the nose as a drill bit
8 Nov 2021
Samantha asks What do now? My answer That SUV becomes that obliterated after hitting you, and all you receive in return is an ouched leg? That's ... amazing, man. Why not monetise your...
A magnificent golden chariot pulled by 100M 'roided mice
8 Nov 2021
India asks How do I stop mice from stealing my meds? I've tried keeping it in a mouse proof container but then I just lose the container. Also taking advice for finding the mouse proof c...
Choking tornadoes with millions of malnourished dieters
8 Nov 2021
Shanna asks *edit* First batch is here. No more ‘lectricity… Bad weather coming tonight. Possible tornadoes. What do to prepare?! Not Ooc. I do know how to prepare for weather I jus...
Humongous sex drive
8 Nov 2021
Sydney asks how to avoid getting pregnant? My answer Are you male or female? Normally I wouldn't ask, but boy, you should meet my girlfriend. If there's any woman with such a humongous...
The intermediate anus of daring and vigorous ambition
8 Nov 2021
Elizabeth asks I’m getting major surgery on my throat on Monday. I want to spend my last day eating whatever I want because I won’t be eating much for a few weeks.. What shall I eat??? ...
The most abysmal paramour I've ever met
8 Nov 2021
Winter asks I'm so hot people keep hitting on me everywhere I go -- my dentist, the cinema usher, random passers by, my boyfriend's father... But not my boyfriend What do? My answer ...
Actual literal sex trophies
8 Nov 2021
Yasmin asks I got 30 minutes of sleep last night because of the sex trophies I have no coffee. How do I stay awake long enough to keep them alive til their dad gets off work? My answ...