Shite Advice

Writing insane crap is seriously underrated.

Consent is sexy

How not to be the aquatic equivalent of sheep-shaggers
14 Nov 2023
Anastasia asks How do I tell my apartment manager "stop fv¢×ing ignoring me, this is really important and I'm sick of practically pulling teeth just to get anything done around here" wit...
Get puffing, get broke, and get celebrating
14 Nov 2023
Jaime asks How should I celebrate 100 days cigarette free?? My answer Why not upgrade? Move up from free cigarettes to expensive cigarettes. A few years ago I was hosting a pool pa...
Why not out-HR HR?
27 Oct 2023
Nichelle asks Having an HR meeting today at work, what do to cause discourse? 🫢 My answer Why not out-HR the HR person? Everyone knows that attack is the best form of defence. Coll...
How to remove all obstacles to permanent stonerhood
27 Oct 2023
Morgan asks just had wrist surgery and can only use 1 hand, can’t light the bowl of devils lettuce. what do? My answer Next time you have wrist surgery, be sure to ignite every bit of ...
For best swimming results, replace your arms with a Falcon Heavy
25 Oct 2023
Tara asks My arms are tired from working out. But I was planning on going to the gym to swim after work tonight and swimming wears out my arms. How do I recover? My answer Why not do...
How to out-hipster every hipster: aorta bungy cords
25 Oct 2023
Danielle asks My bf is being a dingbat lately. Not answering my questions, not calling me after he says he will, taking hours to respond to texts. Obv there’s something going on. He live...
Never feasted on asbestos? Man. You're missing out.
21 Oct 2023
Cam asks In the corner of the room with all my favourite, most expensive possessions, I have a small wooden cabinet, sat next to a radiator. In this cabinet are piles of old paperwork, ...
The coldest gonads in the galaxy
21 Oct 2023
Tara asks I’ve been working hard on losing weight and getting in shape. My clothes are starting to fit differently; Shirts that used to be way too small now fit perfectly, but now my pa...
Can car tyres experience pins and needles too?
21 Oct 2023
Sandi asks What do I do? My answer Do what I do when I get pins and needles in just one buttock. Try to favour the other three tires. Shift all the weight in your car to the back left,...
Why not hire yourself out as a flamethrower?
7 Oct 2023
Aubrey asks Need a healthy outlet for releasing my pent up energy/anger. Don’t like running. What would you recommend? My answer Why not light your own farts? You could hire ...
How to make a bear trap orgasm
7 Oct 2023
This particular bear has informed me on a great many occasions that this is his cum face, and he's sick to fucking death of reminding me. Fa asks Periods doesn't stop my man from ha...
How to abuse a cubic kilometre of Rohirrim poo
7 Oct 2023
Alyssa asks When we moved to where we live (from a city to small town), we didn't realize there are NO trash pickup services... We're a family of 5-7 (no explanation) so the trash p...