
Writing insane crap is seriously underrated.

Consent is sexy

How to stop sucking your thumb
27 Nov 2022
Paige asks How to get my teenage nephew to stop sucking his thumb? I’m reading all the comments to him btw, no need to censor he’s got a potty mouth. Yes he knows it’s satire, bu...
Weaselling out of jury duty: SOLVED
18 Nov 2022
Cal asks I got summoned for jury duty, how do I get out of it? My answer Isn't it obvious? Just arrange matters such that every single legal-personnel role in your upcoming trial ...
How to cure procrastination 100% GUARANTEED
11 Nov 2022
Brooklyn asks My boss is chronically late to every meeting we have, and I frequently have to text him to remind him to attend. What can I say other than "We're waiting for you"? This tex...
Kratom and brittle hair and dry skin and aging, oh my
1 Nov 2022
Image source: Ever heard of kratom? I hadn't. Until about 2015. It's a collection of tree species in Southeast Asia. If you d...
Sprout a superior prong by nuking Antarctica
30 Oct 2022
Maz asks My D is really long and thick (No lie) no matter what I wear there's always an outline or a lump there. What should I do to save myself from embarrassment? My answer Simple. M...
How to stretch your precious tattoo-dollar even further
10 Oct 2022
Brittany asks I've been going to my same tattoo artist for 8 years and she recently upped her price to $250 an hour. She deserves to be paid that well but I can't afford that anymore, wh...
Happiness? Remember that? Doesn't look like it
10 Oct 2022
Kayla asks Let's give this guy some advice My answer How about: "What the hell are you talking about? You and I took that photo together three years ago. Do you genuinely not re...
Can infant vampires really be wetnursed? READ ON
9 Oct 2022
Delaney asks My mom tested positive for Covid and I’m showing symptoms. My boss said I need to keep coming to work and just to wear a mask the whole time. What do? My answer Really? Do...
How to become the ultimate anti-creep
8 Oct 2022
Αναστασία asks I met a cute girl at the train station today. We talked a lot while waiting for our trains to come but I only got to know her first name and where she lives, before her tr...
The OJ will cure every disease in the universe: here's how
8 Oct 2022
Amanda asks The therapist I wanted to start seeing said she is not equipped to help me. What do? My answer Simple. Offer to be her lab rat for the Nobel Prize for Psychology or Psychia...
Chewy's mum never looked so phunky-phresh
7 Oct 2022
Jenna asks Best way to have a smooth coochie and asshole? Shaving be so annoying My answer Slather huge quantities of Rogaine across every bit of your body except your coochie and ...
People who say "women can wear pants but no man would wear skirts," ever tried a kilt?
7 Oct 2022
Brandi asks Tell me your terrible ways to solve constipation My answer Sign up to the United States Marine Corps, locate a huge pack of those lovely dreamy drill instructors who adore ...