
Writing insane crap is seriously underrated.

Consent is sexy

How to enter and pilot your FWB's SO like a fleshy tuxedo
16 Apr 2023
Tristen asks Fwb was not single what do 💀 My answer Unleash some good old-fashioned Stalinist Peoples' Wrath on your FWB's SO. Stalin, for all his other faults, was always amazing at m...
Why Caesarian sections aren't as gay as you'd feared
14 Apr 2023
Irene asks Hey guys, I had my baby on the 12th, surgery was COMPLICATED and thankfully baby is okay now (we did have a scare she was blue and not breathing when she came out but they got...
You young-'uns can't appreciate properly matured strawberries
10 Mar 2023
Liberty asks a couple strawberries were covered in mold, i just bought them yesterday. what do My answer Yup. We've all been there. No-one enjoys nasssty strawberry infestations on cr...
The liver is evil and must be punished
4 Mar 2023
Kirsten asks I have massive trust issues and get worried/anxious when my bf goes out drinking w/out me. What do? My answer Isn't it obvious? Here's what I usually do. Works a treat, t...
25 Feb 2023
I write software. Web apps. My current day job bangs out, among other things, Covid testing software. On balance I thoroughly enjoy programming, but my god it can be dull. The other day...
The second-hardest problem in web-dev is naming things
24 Feb 2023
Alexandria asks What should I name my new cat? . . . . Ooc: I'm looking for the stupidest names, so far Im liking- October 15th, (no relevance to anything important just a random da...
How to make hundreds of clinicians pounce on your torso like '90s supermodels on a Mars Bar
7 Feb 2023
Colleen asks My birthday is on Friday. How should I celebrate? I already have scheduled a mammogram, vaginal ultrasound, and pelvic floor physical therapy appointment. Please no hookers ...
Just a few logistics issues from guzzling a million cubic kilometres of water a day
7 Feb 2023
Stefanie asks My water bottle broke and I need something new to hold my H2O. What should I use? My answer How much water do you typically guzzle daily? If it's more than a million cubi...
What other diseases was Austin Powers masking?
3 Feb 2023
Amanda asks I might be having seizures.(could be new migraine aura but doctor is checking just to make sure.) What are some sure fire ways to cope with the possible seizures. Please n...
How to cultivate more fulfilling emotional manipulation
3 Feb 2023
Tristen asks How long should you wait after a breakup before talking to someone new? Apparently people think there's something wrong with starting to reinstall tinder while you're in the...
Genesis depicts Satan as a snake because its author had never met geese
29 Jan 2023
Shayla asks My doctor wants me to be on a multivitamin pill, but I can't swallow horse pills. What do? No OOC My answer For the purposes of this answer I'll assume you're a goose...
How to adopt your own mother
26 Jan 2023
Evan asks Decided to go no contact with my mom tonight. What do? My answer "No-Contact" means different things in different countries and legal systems, I think - if you're in a region...