
Writing insane crap is seriously underrated.

Consent is sexy

Only 128 oiled-up slaves bear me aloft, y'know, nothing showy
17 May 2022
Tangle asks My big dog hurt his paws being silly. He now refuses to walk anywhere and insists on being carried everywhere and insists I place him on my bed. What do? No OOC; He's under ...
Brilliant assholes versus hilarious frauds
16 May 2022
... And that wraps up possibly my most enjoyable and successful job role I've had in about the last five years. A three-month web dev contracting job! Loads of fun. Couple of reasons: Th...
You mean there's some other reason why tacos exist?
14 May 2022
Reya asks Today I went to Taco Bell. I pulled up to the speaker and said “I’ll have a Doritos locos taco, regular” and the employee goes “you mean you WANT a Doritos locos taco” i guess ...
Raise a kid inside a locked car like a ship in a bottle
14 May 2022
Stacey asks Because I'm a total lunatic I locked my kid in the car today with keys inside. As you can see I had to break the window to get in. How would you have rescued my darling chi...
Planet-sized spoons
14 May 2022
Cindy asks The other day was my cousin’s birthday. This is what her mom literally gave her for her birthday along with a card. Nothing else. What should she buy her mom on her mom’s bi...
A gentlemanly title, most assuredly
11 May 2022
Ally asks I’m bored with my life, what shouldn’t be tinder bio be??? My answer "Alabama's Oldest And Most Distinguished One-Man Anal Chain." Source:
Wear your parents like a spacesuit
11 May 2022
Ashley asks Sooo I got summoned to jury duty but I’m 28 weeks pregnant and no longer live in the county I received the summons from. What do? My answer Write back: "THANK GOD YOU CALLE...
You'll pupate the most muscled sprog in the galaxy
11 May 2022
Elissa asks Contractions hurt. I'm not even in labor yet. How do I make the time pass? My answer Purchase one of those electro-stim-zappy muscle building electro pad sets, hoick ...
Can you commission RealDolls of real people?
11 May 2022
Cassidy asks I can see in the windows of an apartment in the building next door. It was empty for a while but three people just moved in. How should I welcome them? (hard mode: nothing s...
Gorgeous ASCII renditions of baboon anuses
11 May 2022
Sarah asks hey friends i was hit by a truck in December and just got this cool medical bill in the mail. what should i do with it? *plz no ooc i need to laugh bc i am devastated * ...
Ventriloquism with your apparelled skelly chum
11 May 2022
Image source: Hel asks So my downstairs neighbour has a problem with my kids getting up in the morning and walking across the floor...
Show those pesky insurance drones who's oral boss
11 May 2022
Ashley asks I was in a car accident and I'm very embarrassed and upset. What should I tell insurance I was on so they don't know I wrecked it completely sober? That would be humiliating....